Whittingham Tower, Whittingham, Northumberland

This tower house was built in the late 13th or early 14th century. It was altered in 1603 and again in 1845. This is when it was converted into almshouses by Lady Ravenscroft. She added the inscription 'By the munificence of Piety of LADY RAVENSWORTH This ancient Tower which was formerly Used by the village as a place of refuge In time of rapine and insecurity Was repaired and otherwise embellished For the use and benefit of the deserving Poor. AD 1845'. The building was also the birthplace, in 1745, of Henry Ogle, inventor of the threshing machine.


Northumberland Whittingham


Medieval (Middle Ages) (1066 - 1484)


tower house attack defence crenellation almshouse charity philanthropy threshing Medieval (1066 - 1484)