Memorial to George Beloe, Church Plain, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk

This is the grave stone of George Beloe. It was made in 1845 and has a carving of the Yarmouth suspension bridge collapsing on it. Its inscription reads `Sacred/ to the memory of/ George H.J. Beloe/ the beloved son of/ Louisa Beloe/ who was unfortunately drowned/ by the fall/ of the suspension bridge/ the 2nd of May 1845/ aged 9 years'. He was one of 79 children who died when the bridge collapsed. They were watching a clown in a barrel being pulled down the river by some geese. As the clown went under the bridge all the children rushed to the other side and the bridge gave way.


Norfolk Great Yarmouth


Georgian (1714 - 1836)



grave memorial remembrance child bridge georgian (1714 - 1836)