Apprenticeships in the historic environment sector: Examining employer interest and barriers to implementation
Author(s): Aisling Nash
Over a number of years, the Historic Environment Trailblazer group, chaired by Historic England, developed six Historic Environment Apprenticeship Standards in response to the skills shortage reported by companies within the sector. However, to date, these apprenticeships have only been offered in low numbers. In 2023, MSDS Heritage was commissioned by Historic England to investigate the reasons behind this low take up of apprenticeships by employers. Throughout the first quarter of 2023, MSDS Heritage conducted a survey of employers from across the heritage sector to determine the barriers to employers offering the apprenticeship scheme. In addition to employers, a survey of early career individuals was also carried out in an attempt to get the perspective of individuals within the first five years of their heritage career. Following the survey, a series of interviews were also held with employers to gain further details of their view of the apprenticeship scheme and what prevents their own organisations offering them. The results of both the quantitative and qualitative data collection determined that while employers view apprenticeships in a positive light, there are a number of barriers which need to be overcome before companies, particularly micro and small to medium businesses, feel confident in offering apprenticeships. Many of these barriers can be regarded as relatively easy to overcome but there are some which can be viewed as more systemic and therefore more difficult to resolve.
- Report Number:
- 43/2023
- Series:
- Research Report
- Pages:
- 45
- Keywords:
- Apprenticeship Skills Training