Screenshot from The Needles Voyager
The Needles Voyager © Maritime Archaeology Trust
The Needles Voyager © Maritime Archaeology Trust

Dive In! To The Needles Voyager

We are delighted to introduce the Needles Voyager an innovative way to digitally explore the fascinating world of shipwrecks and maritime sites that can be found off the west of the Isle of Wight that has been developed by the Maritime Archaeology Trust (MAT).

Using the Needles Voyager you can discover over 70 sites including shipwrecks and their artefacts, photographs, videos, and stories, the lighthouses, batteries, crashed aircraft, and a pier. These are all located within a 2.5 kilometre radius of the Needles. You can find out about what the ships were used for, the story of their wrecking, information about people linked to their design and use, as well as information on how sites have been investigated.

The resource includes a range of formats for access including documents, images, audio, film, and 3D models. It provides links to a range of related information and archives hosted by other organisations, including Unpath’d Waters partners Historic England, Lloyds Register Foundation, Citizan and the National Maritime Museum. It also includes a number of paintings and artistic representations that have been inspired by the iconic chalk stacks and a recording of a poem created in 1849 after the dramatic wreck of the ship Love and Unity.

The Voyager is based on MATs database repository which is published in GeoJSON format, which enables easy integration with other databases, websites, and interactives. Further additions to the Voyager will be added during the project, including outputs from the People and the Sea working group which is researching how people engage with maritime sites, making a regional contribution Towards a National Collection.

We would like to hear what you think of the Voyager, so please consider completing the short survey which is accessible on screen.

Watch the Voyager Video

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