Planning and Archaeology

Historic England Advice Note 17

This Historic England Advice Note describes how archaeology works in the English planning system.

Its aims are to:

  • summarise key responsibilities (of planning authorities and applicants) to archaeology through the planning process;
  • support the application of relevant legislation, national planning policy and guidance;
  • promote the need for rigour at key stages in the process; and
  • enthuse about the benefits arising from this work (including making public value apparent).

It is written principally for local planning authorities (officers and elected Members) and applicants (including their advisers and contractors). The Advice Note will also be of interest to professional archaeologists and local and community archaeological organisations.

Case studies are referenced in the document to exemplify key points.


  • Introduction
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Plan-making
  • Consents
  • Informing and determining a planning application
  • Permitted Development (PD)
  • References and further reading

Additional Information

  • Series: Guidance
  • Publication Status: Completed
  • Pages: 56
  • Product Code: HEAG314


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