Conserving Georgian and Victorian terraced housing

A guide to managing change

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This guide is for local authorities, owners and others involved in the conservation of Georgian and Victorian / early 20th century terraced housing. It gives a historic overview of terraced housing and identifies important features of different types of terrace.

It will help local authorities and others implementing historic environment legislation and policy.

It will also help those planning to make changes to terraced housing to understand their buildings and what is special about them. It identifies issues to consider for those wishing to make alterations and it provides helpful information for making planning applications.


  • Introduction
  • Historic overview
  • An approach to change (including plan form, elevations, extensions, the terrace and the street, maintenance and environmental performance)
  • Applications for change
  • Further reading

Additional Information

  • Series: Guidance
  • Publication Status: Completed
  • Pages: 30
  • Product Code: HEAG277


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