An exterior view of All Saints Church, seen from the south, possibly on the Tyne Bridge, with buildings on Queen Street in the foreground

circa 1955 - circa 1980
All Saints Church, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne
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Princes Buildings, QUEEN STREET, Newcastle upon Tyne
Photograph (Negative)
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The former church was built by David Stephenson between 1786 and 1796 and replaced a medieval church on the site. It has a south Doric portico with pediment, and four stage Baroque tower behind it. The first stage of the tower has pediments on all sides and windows underneath with wide segmental heads. The second stage has tall blind sections with segmental belfry openings above, and a jettied parapet with urn finials on the corners. Above is a stage with clock faces on all sides and diagonal paired columns, supporting a balustraded top section with open belfry and a tall spire. The tower is flanked by a south chapel and vestry, and to the north is the main oval body with apses on the east and west sides. The church was deconsecrated in 1961, and has since been used as an urban sudies centre, concert hall, and a place of worship for other faiths. It is still known as All Saints Church.

In the foreground is Princes Buildings, a range of four storey offices built c1863. The central six bay, five storey section on the corner of Queens Street has two rows of giant Tuscan pilasters on the second and third, and fourth and fifth floors. The parapet has a pierced design between nos. 11 and 23 and the roof has wide stacks.


This is part of the Sub Series: UXC01/01/02 Series of 120mm negatives showing English architecture; within the Series: UXC01/01 Series of negatives showing English architecture; within the Collection: UXC01 Ursula Clark Collection


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Photographer: Clark, Ursula


Baroque, Classicism, Georgian Parish Church, 20th Century Concert Hall, Victorian Office