Dive Trails
Of the 57 Protected Wreck Sites off England there are currently five (and more to come) that you can access on a protected wreck dive trail or you can visit a wreck that lies above water.
On this page:
Protected wreck locations
Dive trails
Run by licensees and charter boat skippers, dive trails enable interested divers to get responsible access to protected wreck sites. Historic England has supported the development of these dive trails and the interpretation materials they include. Divers visiting the trails get the benefit of the insight and orientation provided by the trails and also the experience of the licensed teams and their archaeologists.
Follow the links below to find out about the wrecks and how to access the dive trails that are currently open:
The Colossus was a 74-gun warship wrecked in 1798 in the Isles of Scilly.
Find out why Colossus is a protected wreck
Paddle steamer Iona II is a protected wreck lying off the east coast of Lundy where she foundered after setting sail to assist in the American Civil War.
The Coronation was a 90-gun second rate built in 1685. She saw defeat at the Battle of Beachy Head in 1690 before foundering in a strong gale whilst patrolling for the French fleet off Plymouth.
The A1 was the first British designed and built submarine used by the Royal Navy. She was lost off Selsey Bill during unmanned trials in 1911.
The Norman's Bay wreck contains a cluster of at least 51 iron guns, timber hull structure and various other artefacts including a large anchor on top of a ballast mound. The identity of the wreck is still being researched but archaeologists think it is the 64-gun Dutch warship, the Wapen Van Utrecht, which sank during the Battle of Beachy Head in 1690.
Explore the remains of a mid to late 19th-century sailing ship lying off the coast of the Isle of Wight.
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How divers rate the dive trails
The feedback from all of the trails has been very positive. Divers tell us that the trail booklets really help get orientated underwater and help them understand what they are seeing.
How your dive helps us to care for the wrecks
We ask divers to share the photos they take of protected wreck sites with us. The photos you supply help us to monitor the condition of the wreck site as part of our Heritage at Risk work. Photos can be shared with @HE_Maritime on Twitter using the #HEDiveTrail hashtag or added to the wreck's List entry. Find out how to share your dive photos on the The List.
Your visits to wreck sites accompanied by licensed divers also deter those thinking of illegally accessing the wrecks.