Accessible Text Alternative for Flow Chart of Model of Heritage Board Delegation

Accessible text version for a flow chart showing lines of responsibility and a model of delegation of governance framework for heritage boards.

On this page, the boxes flow in numerical order from the top of the image to the bottom, with boxes that are both numbered and lettered indicating an offshoot from the numbered box.

Box 1

Board of trustees

  • Overall responsibility for governing the organisation

Box 1a

Committees of the board

  • Focus on specific themes
  • Reports to the board
  • Receives input and information from stakeholder groups (for example, staff and beneficiaries)

Box 2


  • Figurehead - leads board relations, culture and development
  • Closest relationship with CEO

Box 3


  • Public face - reports to board, leads executive team and oversees delivery of charitable purposes

Box 4


Delivery of organisations charitable purposes

Box 4a


  • May provide input to the committee via staff routes