Closed Guidance Consultations
A list of closed advice and guidance consultations.
Managing Archaeology in London
A new draft for consultation of the Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service (GLAAS) guidelines for archaeological work in London has been produced by GLAAS in association with MOLA, updating previous guidance from 2015. The new guidelines provide a new focus on public benefit from archaeology being placed at the centre of what we do. The consultation closed on 7 February 2025.
Marine Geophysics Guidance Notes (2nd Edition)
The updated guidance on Marine Geophysics Data Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation was prepared by MSDS Marine. It describes geophysical surveying techniques that can reveal information about the historic environment on, within, and beneath the seabed around England. The consultation closed on 27 January 2025.
Waterlogged Wood
The guidance on Waterlogged Wood is being updated to reflect current practice, recent excavations of sites containing large quantities of waterlogged wood, like Must Farm, and technological advances in recording and visualisation. The consultation closed on 17 January 2025.
Environmental Archaeology: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Methods, from Sampling and Recovery to Post-excavation
The consultation on this new edition has been developed in response to changes in the English planning system over the last decade and developments in developer-funded and academic archaeological work. The consultation closed on 5 February 2024.
Historic Almshouses: A Guide to Managing Change
The consultation on advice for managing change to historic almshouses and how historic and architectural significance can be retained while supplying more comfortable and appropriate housing closed on 26 July 2023.
Historic England’s Draft Industrial Heritage Strategy
The consultation on the Strategy which sets out the key priorities for our internationally important industrial heritage closed on 7 June 2021.
Canal & River Trust: Proposed Listed Building Consent Order
The consultation on a proposed draft national Listed Building Consent Order (LBCO) for works to listed buildings controlled or managed by the Canal & River Trust, closed on 14 January 2019.
Conservation Principles
The consultation on our revised Conservation Principles closed on 2 February 2018. We have analysed the results of the consultation and are currently deciding how best to take this document forward. We are not expecting to publish a new version for at least six months.
Historic England Advisory Note on the Reconstruction of Heritage Assets
The consultation on the Reconstruction of Heritage Assets closed on 22 June 2016. We have revised the text in the light of the consultation responses and we will check it against the new version of the NPPF and the latest international conservation developments. We are expecting to publish the final version of this advice within the next few months.
Copies of closed consultation documents are still available for reference until the final version is published.
The final published guidance and recommendations might be different to the earlier consultation drafts.
If you have any questions about these closed consultations, please contact us via the email address below.
Guidance Team
[email protected]