Front covers of Historic England advice and guidance documents
Historic England publishes an extensive range of expert advice and guidance to help care for and protect historic places
Historic England publishes an extensive range of expert advice and guidance to help care for and protect historic places

Guidance Open for Consultation

Your chance to have a say on advice and guidance documents we've published in draft. Your feedback will help us make our advice and guidance useful.

Marine Geophysics Guidance Notes (2nd Edition)

A draft revision to Marine Geophysics Data Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation guidance, first published in 2013, has been prepared by MSDS Marine for sector consultation.

The purpose of this updated guidance document is to describe geophysical surveying techniques that can reveal information about the historic environment as might be encountered on, within and beneath the seabed around England. This draft guidance has been written for commissioners, practitioners and end users of marine geophysical survey data.

Download the draft document

We would like to seek views from across the sector on this consultation document by 24 January 2025.

Submit feedback

Alternatively, if you would prefer to email your response you can email: [email protected]

Waterlogged Wood

Historic England is consulting on the revision to guidance on Waterlogged Wood, which has been updated to reflect current practice, recent excavations of sites containing large quantities of waterlogged wood, like Must Farm and technological advances in recording and visualisation. We would like to seek views from the sector on this consultation document (text only – the final guidance will include images).

In your response it would be useful if you could tell us:

  1. How you are involved in work on waterlogged wood (wood specialist; archaeological contractor/consultant; Local Authority archaeologist; Historic England; museum curator; interested reader; other – feel free to define)
  2. Whether you feel the guidance is an effective reflection of current good practice?
  3. What we might have missed that you feel should be included?
  4. Whether you feel the recommendations made are practical and achievable in relation to how you or your organisation work and if not, why is that the case?
  5. Any other comments you would like to share with us.

Download the draft documents

Please send comments to Zoe Hazell, email: [email protected]

Closing date for consultation: 17 January 2025

Managing Archaeology in London

New draft Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service (GLAAS) guidelines for archaeological work in London have been produced by GLAAS in association with MOLA, updating previous guidance from 2015. The new guidelines provide a new focus on public benefit from archaeology being placed at the centre of what we do.

We are now carrying out consultation on the guidelines and welcome comments from organisations and individuals involved in archaeological work in London, and anyone with an interest in London’s heritage.

Please consider the following when submitting your feedback:

  1. Do you support our proposals to mainstream public benefit?
    How could they be improved?
  2. How can GLAAS guidelines best encourage or support carbon reduction?
  3. Do you recognise and find the London site types helpful?
    Could they be improved?
  4. Is specialist work (e.g. finds) adequately covered?
    If not, how could it be better represented?
  5. Will the approach to museum archive deposition work?
    What more needs to be done to improve and streamline the process?
  6. Do you support the requirements for digital archiving?
  7. Are there any other realistic measures which the public archaeological sector could take to improve planning-related projects in both process or outcomes?
  8. Can you suggest good case studies which support this approach?
  9. Do you have any other comments?

Download the draft documents

Please send responses to email: [email protected]

Closing date for consultation: 31 January 2025

Guidance Team